Minecraft APK

When you think of creativity in the gaming world, the only game that comes to your mind is Minecraft. Why, because it gives you access to unlimited resources to fulfill this request by the users. Minecraft is loved by a lot of people from around the world. What makes it a worldwide favorite is the piece of its creativity. You can create buildings, roads, houses, gardens, and towns. The first step after you join the Minecraft world is to make a base that fulfill all your needs, a home. To build a perfect house there are some basic things to understand, which will be mentioned below.

Building a perfect house in Minecraft

The first thing you do, after you join the world, is to make an idyllic house, to build your house perfectly, and to last until you leave the game, make your house comfortable and secure to protect you from mobs such as skeletons, zombies, creepers, witches, and pillagers. Follow these pro tips, every single thing lacking in your house will end in this article.

Step 1 : Finding an ideal location

The first factor is to find a loyal place which means a place where all your needs fulfilled without any circumstance such as it makes you feel secure from dangerous mobs such as zombies, skeletons, creepers, and witches. The other thing you should know before choosing the location is that you first look around and see if there are different views like mountains, rivers, caves, and greenery to enhance the look of your house.

Step 2 : Enhancing the Land

After you choose a location, look if the land is plain or not if it is then the location is perfect, and if not grab a shovel and flat the land manually, so rather than always finding a place with flat land, you would be able to do it yourself.

Step 3 : Making the base of house

Now, you have a great location, and its time to make the base of the house, first collect wooden logs, make them wooden planks, and place each block at four corners you like, like a square, then expand these corners from up and connect the top-most block of all corners by filling up the remaining wooden planks. Now make all the four corners, walls by placing cobblestones. At last collect more wooden logs and cobblestones, by wooden planks make a crafting table and make doors. Mine two wooden planks to place a door and finally make a roof by using cobbelstone. The base is ready, its time for a iconic design.

Step 4: Planing the design

It is important to plan an iconic design for house, imagine about some dreamy elements that should must be in your house, focusing on architecture and structure, as of my sight it should look more like a heavenly iconic castle full of every type of blocks and resources that you will need. The functions, parts and all should be based on a clever strategy. If you want to plan along your sight you would need a bit of imagination.

Key points

  • Collect the elements, needed to design the outlook of your house.
  • Collect decoration material
  • Some redstone for functionality.
  • Flowers and tree seeds to make it look awesome.
  • Some sign boards to make it friendly.
  • At the last some carved wooden material giving it the final impression.

Additional design

Material Elements

Stones And Wood Planks

Both of these materials are essential for building a durable house. Stones pay a key role in the look of house.

Other Blocks

Every blocks has a different purpose for using, on every minute of the survival you need blocks on different situations.


House should must be long lasting because it is the only thing that stays the same till you leave the survival world, that’s why durability is another important factor in construction.

Roof Design

Roof designs improve the interior of the house, making it match with the other features in the house, like the slopped roof;
Slopped roofs are commonly made as the second roof in lobbies and stairs.

Additional wall features

Walls can be customized with many different elements such as glass. Glass can be also used to make windows in the walls, walls can be also customized with paintings and photo frames, giving player access more realistic elements.

Interior Elements

There are a lot of interior elements that can be used to design it idyllically.

  • Carpet and mats
  • Bed and sofas
  • Table and chairs
  • Plants & flowers.
  • Bookshelfs
  • Painting and frames

Some of the most astonishing elements can be added to make your house a function machine, by the use of imaginative and realistic features in addons of the house, such as balconies, corridors, pathways, gardens, fences, secret rooms, libraries, dining areas and automatic machine systems by the use of redstone functionality.


In this article, we have gave you the best instructions to built a perfect house, these instruction lead you to the mastery in construction of houses. The imaginative thoughts, make it easy to make what you want to. Finally a small recap, to make a exceptional shelter you need to collect some material, and just make it what you imagine with the construction skills. We hope that after this article you will not need any other tutorial.


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